Take a look at God’s creation through the beauty you see through my lens. I enjoy taking photographs of things I see around me. God’s beauty is in everything, but I see it particularly through the majesty of His creation.
God blesses us with beautiful imagery all around us. However, the beauty of creation will be nothing compared to the beauty of heaven.
We will not only see glory (in Heaven), but we will enter into it, bathe in it, embrace it, and rejoice in it (Matthew 25:31)
While heaven will be beautiful beyond expression, Paul says something very interesting. Following his vision of heaven, Paul did not focus on what he had seen, although it had to be incredible; instead he said he “heard inexpressible things, things that man is not permitted to tell” (II Corinthians 12:4). Paul, one of the wisest, most intelligent men to ever live, was overwhelmed by the profound wisdom and things which were talked about in heaven.
In Colossians 3:1-2 Paul says we are to set our hearts and our minds on things above (heaven), not on the things of this world. Once heaven becomes real to you, as it has to me, it will change how you live. Living with an eternal perspective changes everything. We live in a little speck of time between two eternities, but oh what a speck of time it is. Enjoy it, and live it to the max for our Lord.